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Monday, November 7, 2011


Beach in front of the hotel

Archery, one of the activities, which was included

View from our room

Wow! What a weekend. All inclusive resort. Beer, wine, drinks, and food all included. The first night in Hammamet it was just the four of us that went, Kelli, Adam, Simon, and I. We arrived with mostly blue sky and some clouds. The clouds rolled in and the wind picked up. We enjoyed our evening, music, dancing, drinks, and a wonderful Asian themed Buffet. Amazing chocolate sauce for dessert.

Saturday we had a lazy day at the beach. Kelli and I wrapped up in our towels when Adam and Simon played in the rough waves on the beach. The wind had really picked up, which made the waves larger and the water all stirred up. After, Simon had his first shower of the day. Around 2pm the others started to arrive. There were probably about 25 of us from the school. A group of us then did the Hash, the run ended up with Simon in the Ocean for round two, which meant shower number 2 of the day. After the Mexican themed buffet a few of us decided it would be a great idea to dress up for Halloween (it is a German resort so we thought there might be a few others that would join). What a surprise there was about 7 of us in costumes, the Germans reminded us that Halloween was not until Monday! After another night of dancing and celebrating a friend's birthday the night came to an end with a splash. The birthday girl, Paula dared Simon to get in the pool with his costume on, with little hesitation Simon was back in the the water. Splash! Shower number 3 of the day!

Sunday the weather turned from cloudy and windy to down pours. Some people ended up leaving Hammamet a little earlier then planned. When we got back to Tunis, streets were completely flooded in areas. We had to turn around three times to get home that evening. We really got to experience some real urban flooding. It continues to rain for the next five days. Beautiful days that reminded us of home!

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