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Sunday, May 13, 2012

"Fishing Trip" in the Med

The school put together a group fishing trip. There were 8 of us from the school that went on the trip. All but one of us were expats. The 8th person was Samy, who spells his name all different ways. He is the bus driver but he has other odds and ends jobs. One usually includes driving us expats around on the weekends when we go on different adventures. He went along this time because he actually really enjoys fishing. We left Sidi Bou Said marina, which is only about 10 minutes from our house, around 12:30. We spent the next six hours on the water. A little fishing happened. There were probably enough poles but only enough weights for about 4 of us to be fishing at a time. I fished a little, Simon fished a little more. A few of the other guys fished most of the time. There were very few fish. The few that we did bring on board would be perfect bait size to use on a real size fish. Couldn't be disappointed by the fish when we were on a beautiful 26 foot boat, 80 degree weather without a cloud in the sky, and beautiful "warm" water to swim in. The water is warm but still takes some time getting use to. We got back into the harbor about 6:30. Great day on the water, with great company!
 Sami, the captains son, and Philippe (French teacher)

 We fished around this point most of the day (Cap Bon)
 Hot Spring that comes down the hill and directly into the water. It is to hot to touch but heats up the water around it. The locals swim around the spring.
Simon and his nice big fishing rod!
 Randy (another "trailing spouse" who set up the fishing trip) and Simon
Suren (Secondary Science teacher)
 Sammy and the big fish he caught
 Phillippe and I enjoying the water!
 Simon after a swim (he had to jump in the water to save his "expensive" Alaskan fishing hat, which blew off, it would have been a tragedy to lose. (The driver wasn't able to drive close enough to hook it, which was one of many reasons to question is driving skills)
 Watching one of the big catches of the day. 3 inch fish. It was unknown what we were fishing for.
Phillipe's turn to fish!

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