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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Walk Around the Neighborhood!

 Been asked to take our garbage to a different location, not sure why but we will do as we have been told
 Small little market sells all the necessities.
 Neighborhood hardware shop, everything is stored behind the counter you just need to ask for what you want. Easy for most challenging for some (like the ones that don't know the language).
 Neighborhood meat market. Fresh sheep!
 Soccer on the sidewalk usually it is played in the street with a few more boys.
 Women going on a walk to collect what other people no longer want. Whatever she can find left on the street.
 Construction work, safety is oh so important.

Torched car, not sure why.

It is amazing what you can see on a Sunday walk around your neighborhood. On Sunday most of the shops are closed but there are still people out and about doing their thing.

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